Fri April 28, 2023

By April Lovette

A big helping of love: PPD hosts annual Widow & Widower Luncheon

Widows and widowers of the area were served ham, mac and cheese, potato salad, rolls, desserts, and more today when the Prescott Police Department (PPD) hosted the second annual Widows & Widowers Luncheon at headquarters. PPD officers and staff cooked the meal themselves, and then spent the afternoon visiting and having fun with this special group of citizens. PPD Chief Ann Jordan said the department began this event last year to express to local widows and widowers that others in the community care for them a great deal.

"The bible tells us don't forget about the widows, and we want them to know that they are not forgotten," Jordan said. "These widows and widowers have lost their loved ones so they're lonesome and many don't get out in the community very much anymore. This event allows them to be included in fellowship by coming out to mingle and visit with others in the community."

Jordan said the afternoon held great conversations and great fun. One citizen, Shelia Butler, shared her experience with the group and said she never expected to be a widow at 61 so she enjoyed activities such as these that provided a chance to visit and have fun with others. Prescott Mayor Terry Oliver also joined today's luncheon and shared with the fellow participants that he believes it's important to care for the community's widows and widowers "the best we can" and quoted that same bible verse about widows.

For those widows and widowers in poor health and unable to attend, PPD officers and staff delivered to-go plates so they could still have a home-cooked lunch today. Jordan said there were few new faces this year and that the PPD hopes to see even more next year since this is an event the department wants to continue. She said, "If anyone knows of a widow or widower who could use an afternoon of fun, food, and fellowship, then let him or her know that this time next year we hold another luncheon, and all are welcome!"

If today's luncheon sets the par for the next annual Widows & Widowers Luncheon, then participants can look forward to an afternoon of good conversation and fun, as well as a tasty meal cooked with the most essential ingredient that one citizen can give another: a big helping of love.
