Tue February 13, 2024

By Press Release

A Living Sacrifice
Worship is the engine that drives the Kingdom of God from Genesis to Revelation. Worship is the only part of our normal life here that survives in Heaven. Every other piece passes away: no need to pray, repent, or resist the devil anymore. But worship thrives in Heaven! As soon as the God of Heaven reveals Himself to a person, that person melts. We see them falling on their knees in fear and worship. You can track the lives of the people we know in the Word and see the effect worship has on them. Think of Ruth. She was as empty as possible, until she met the God of Naomi. Slowly Ruth’s life began to change and every time it did, she worshipped. Think of Job. Unknowingly, he begged God for a Mediator, for a rescue from the Hell he was experiencing. As soon as God revealed Himself to Job, everything changed. Job began to worship. Think of David. His life was shaped by worship in every way and as a result, David led a nation to worship God. Think of Moses. The more He met with God, the more courageous he became. The nation of Isarel was led out of bondage by a man whose only secret was worshipping God continually. The Bible is filled with examples of men and women whose lives were shaped by the God they worshipped.

Let’s take a look at Romans chapter 12 and see a definition of worship. It’s so much more than singing. It’s not bound to a place or time. Worship is a life lived with God in view and a heart that desires His nearness more than anything else. It is a consistent pattern of praise that permeates every part of our lives. Worship is a part of our DNA, meaning we are most at home when we are worshipping. Paul says in Romans 12.1-2, “With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.” (Phillips Translation) 
What is worship? “Eyes wide open to the mercies of God.” It’s the life that’s aware of all God is doing and wants to do in and through us. It’s a “living sacrifice.” There is no sacrifice if the altar is empty. Worship is us putting our lives on the altar of obedience, trusting God to gently use us and lead us forward. Worship is “letting God re-mold our minds.” It’s the transformation that God accomplishes when we give all of ourselves to Him. Worship is the “practice of the plan of God.” It’s walking out God’s intentions for our lives with the confidence that can only come from meeting intimately with Him. It’s the content life that isn’t always working for more and is thankful for the blessings it has. It’s able to be with God and not be overwhelmed with guilt and shame because of all the things left undone or unsaid. Worship “moves us toward the goal of true maturity.” It is what we were made to do and when we do it, we grow. 

Let’s look at worship this way. Many times we find ourselves wondering what God’s plan is for our lives. We look at our lives from every angle and find ourselves coming up empty handed. “Maybe this is right? Or maybe this is the direction we need to move?” We lack confidence because we lack worship. If you want to know God’s good, pleasing and perfect will for your life, begin a regular practice of worshipping God. You want to know God’s will for your family? Lead them to worship God. You lack direction in your church? Lead them to worship God. The will of God is not something secret He hides from us. He never camouflages Himself or tries to frustrate us with His will. But He tells us if we want to seek Him, we will find Him in worship. 
The goal of worship is transformation. We see this in every worshipper in the Word. God is shaping us for His presence for eternity. He could do this by force, but He’s chosen another way. He asks us to submit our lives to Him, not out of obligation or responsibility, but in love. He asks us to join Him in the work of the Kingdom. We can attempt the work all day long, but if we do it with any other attitude than worship, our efforts are fruitless and our joy is empty. You want a new heart? Bend your heart in worship. You have sin in your life you can’t get rid of? Submit to God in worship and experience Him as He deals with your deep sin. Walking out a pattern of worship in our lives puts us in a position to have our eyes and ears opened, our hearts cleaned, our confidence restored and our lives renewed. We need to worship!
Singing is good. It readies us to meet with God and even gives us a glimpse into the throne room. But worship must move beyond song. We must begin to adopt a posture of worship: hearts bent, wills submitted, lips slow to speak, ears quick to listen, feet ready to respond, hands ready to serve…all willing to obey God as He leads us. 
Will you worship Him today?
