Tue October 05, 2021

By Drew Gladden


Advertising and Tourist Commission meets to discuss permits and payments, Travel Guide, ballfields

Tourism Commission
Advertising and Tourist Commission meets to discuss permits and payments, Travel Guide, ballfields

The Hope Advertising and Tourist Promotion Commission met Tuesday night to discuss past due permits and payments, hear a presentation for advertising with the Arkansas Travel Guide, and hear about updates with the ballfields and Third Street Advertising Sign.

After the minutes were reviewed and approved from the previous meeting in August, the commission approved the August expense report. After it met with approval, Commission Chair Sharon Caldwell brought up the upcoming Trunk or Treat event put on by Plow Boys and Tailgaters. Caldwell mentioned that, while she usually gets the prizes for the costume contest out of pocket, she wondered if she could get funding for them this year. She said the prizes usually run about $500. Don Still, noting that hardly any money had been spent on festivals this year, initially motioned that $750 be allocated. Steve Montgomery noted he was unsure, noting the motion might open up more financial requests from other sources. Still amended the motion to say that the prizes would be "partially sponsored by" the city.

After the discussion, the commission heard the permits and payments report. Hebrews 11:1 was shown to be two months behind, while Little Caesar's and Wadley were found to be three months behind on their permits with the city. It was determined by the commission that letters would be sent out noting that the permits of Little Caesar's and Wadley would be revoked if action wasn't taken. It was determined that the businesses would be given until the 15th of October.

Afterward, the commission heard a presentation from Lauren Euseppi detailing the city's ads for the Arkansas Travel Guide. The ad campaign last year cost around $7,000, while the ad campaign this year will cost around $9,000. Trevor Coffee motioned that the campaign be approved. The motion was seconded and passed.

Finally, Secretary Summer Powell gave an update on the ballfield and fence project, noting that progress was being made on the approved timetable. She also reported on the Third Street Advertisement Sign project, noting that she was waiting to hear back from David Hamilton with Seiz Signs.

The meeting was adjourned shortly after.
