Mon September 19, 2022

By April Lovette


Another Poll Shows Sanders with Commanding Lead

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Another Poll Shows Sanders with Commanding Lead

Press Release

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.— Another new poll has been released showing Sarah Huckabee Sanders with a commanding lead in the general election. The poll, released by Remington Research Group, shows Sanders with a 25-point lead.
“Arkansans want a conservative leader with bold plans to create high-paying jobs, increase access to quality education, reduce violent crime, and push back on an out-of-control federal government,” Sanders said. “As governor, I will lead our state with heart and take it to the top.”
The new Remington poll shows Sanders getting 59 percent of the vote to 34 percent for the Democrat, 3 percent for the Libertarian, and 5 percent undecided. It was conducted September 14-15, among 1,418 likely 2022 General Election voters in Arkansas, with a margin of error of +/-2.4 percent.
Another poll released last week by Echelon Insights, showed Sanders leading with 62 percent of the vote to 32 percent in a head-to-head matchup with her Democrat opponent, and 6 percent undecided.
Sanders won the Republican nomination for governor in May with more than 83 percent of the vote—a historic victory. Since launching her campaign, Sanders has shattered the fundraising record for most money ever raised by a candidate for governor of Arkansas.
