Fri September 09, 2022

By April Lovette


Arkansas Community LGBTQ Grant application guidelines announced

Nami Arkansas Lgbtq Grant Natiional Alliance On Mental Health
Arkansas Community LGBTQ Grant application guidelines announced

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. (Sept. 8, 2022) – Grants are available to nonprofit organizations seeking to provide mental health support to people who identify as LGBTQ+ the National Alliance on Mental Health – Arkansas announced on Thursday.

Grants will range from $1000 to $10,000, and the application submission deadline is September 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. Applications will be reviewed by an advisory committee, and projects are expected to start as soon as the nonprofit agency receives its award letter in early November.

NAMI Arkansas Executive Director Dr. Buster Lackey said the LGBTQ+ community has seen a marked increase in suicide attempts by young people since 2021. He noted that pandemic stressors have left many in need of mental health care.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of the LGBTQ+ community, and while we know we may not be able to reach every person in need, we are working to do what we can to reach as many as possible,” Lackey said.

Lackey shared the list of information required from nonprofit organizations to apply for the grant funds:

●      A description of the organization, entity, seeking funds

●      Project title

●      Project total budget and amount of funds requested

●      Copy of IRS nonprofit letter

●      Agency contact details (phone, email, and mailing address)

●      A description of the project’s scope and plan (250 words or less) with a brief description of the essential details of the project.

●      Project start and end dates

●      A description of how it will support the LGBTQ+ community

●      Area of Arkansas to be served

●      A detailed budget indicating how the funds will be used and any matching fund that will be used.  (Matching funds are not required.)

●      Names, contact information, and positions of the individuals responsible for the project

●      Estimated number of LGBTQ individuals served

●      Estimated number of total participants

●      How do you know that the project is needed?

●      Who is involved in the planning and implementation of the project?

●      How will you measure project success?

●      A brief cover letter of submission on agency letterhead

●      A commitment to send NAMI Arkansas a written report within 30 days following the project end date.  The report must provide an accounting of how the funds were used and how the project’s objectives were achieved.

Email cover letter and completed applications, questions, or comments to [email protected].  

NAMI Arkansas education programs ensure Arkansas individuals, families, and educators get the support and information they need. NAMI Arkansas helps shape public policy and advocates to improve the lives of people affected by mental health illness and their families. A toll-free Helpline, 800-844-0381, is available to provide free information and support.
