Wed February 08, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Arkansas Democrats respond to Governor Sanders' LEARNS proposal


LITTLE ROCK - Democratic Party of Arkansas Chair Grant Tennille released the following statement after Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders unveiled her barebones poster, not even a bill, overhauling the education system in Arkansas:

“We continue to be disappointed, but not surprised that Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t taking her job as Arkansas governor seriously. Today, Gov. Sanders unveiled some of the incomplete details about the education scheme she continues to brag about but fails to deliver on. What we do know is that she’s proposed the biggest voucher scam in the entire country, a full-on dismantling of Arkansas public schools so destructive she knew she had to dress it up with popular policies like the $50,000 teacher salary minimum that she plagiarized from Arkansas Democrats.

“We will not be bought. Unproven voucher scams like this one, likely copy-and-pasted from an out-of-state think tank, are an existential threat to Arkansas’ public schools and a sweetheart deal that will only benefit lobbyists, special interests, and the rich over everyday Arkansas students, families, and school communities. We are a hard NO on the Sanders voucher scheme."
