Fri May 24, 2024

By Press Release

Announcements Education Hope Politics State

Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment petition town meeting set at Hope's Northside Park June 4th at 6 p.m.

Town Hall Meeting Northside Park Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment Petition Signing
Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment petition town meeting set at Hope's Northside Park June 4th at 6 p.m.
Attention Hempstead County, Nevada County, and surrounding areas! There will be a Town Hall Meeting at the North Side City Park in Hope Arkansas at 6:00 p.m on June 4, 2024. Presenters will be there to present the Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment of 2024 Ballot Measure  that we are trying to get on the Ballot in November. We all want a fair Education for all students. Campaign Overview/Goal: Our campaign seeks to amend the Arkansas Constitution to create comprehensive educational reforms aimed at ensuring that every child has access to quality education. We advocate for the creation of the four most proven strategies for boosting student learning: access to free, voluntary pre-K, after-school and summer programs, enhanced educational support for students experiencing poverty, and improved special education services for students with disabilities. We also advocate for the establishment of minimum academic standards for schools and equal accreditation standards for all schools receiving taxpayer dollars.

Our goal: To get the Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment of 2024 on the November ballot for voters to decide how public money is spent in education and to create services and support for students in need.

Our core message: Advocating for a brighter future for Arkansas's children by amending the constitution and ensuring that every child has access to the quality education they deserve. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable education system that unlocks the full potential of every student.

Please join us in Partnership with the Arkansas Public Policy Panel, The Arkansas Conference of the NAACP, The Arkansas Education Association (AEA), The Arkansas Retired Teachers Association, Arkansas for World-Class Education, and Citizen First Congress.
Meet us there on June 4, 2024 @6 p.m. at the Northside City Park in Hope, Arkansas! Address: 1709 N Spruce St, Hope, AR 71801

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