Thu July 27, 2023

By April Lovette


Arkansas MUFON Members React to Congressional UFO Hearings

Arkansas Mufon House Oversight Committee
Arkansas MUFON Members React to Congressional UFO Hearings

Little Rock, July 27, 2023

Arkansas members of an international group dedicated to the study of UFOs were enthusiastic about Wednesday’s historic hearings hosted by a subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee. Under investigation were unidentified flying objects, or unidentified anomalous phenomena as the U.S. government now calls a staggering  array of bewildering traveling objects seen by military pilots, airline pilots, and observers on the ground.

“I’m very happy with the July 26 UFO/UAP hearing,” said B. Harris, documentary filmmaker and Little Rock member of MUFON. “What encouraged me in particular was  the bipartisan spirit. Democrats and Republicans were respectful of each other, while  asking great critical questions,” Harris said.

The hearing on Wednesday was significant, said Little Rock MUFON member Maureen Richmond, because the three military veterans who offered sworn testimony indicated  that UFOs are not imaginary, but real and tangible objects which threaten air safety,  have been known by the U.S. government for nearly 80 years, and operate in ways  contradictory to the laws of physics. “The July 26 hearing was a game changer,”  Richmond said, “and Congress is now tasked to discover and tell the American people  about the retrieved craft and alien bodies mentioned by whistleblower Dave Grusch.”

Fayetteville member and Assistant State Director for MUFON Bill Brown said he was impressed with witness testimony describing the extraordinary flight capabilities of

UFOs observed by experienced military pilots and wondered about the underlying  propulsion systems. “I want our politicians to report findings to the public after  meeting with the Special Access Program contractors who’ve been developing these technologies for decades using our tax dollars. Closed door hearings may hold  information that could alter the global paradigm,“ Brown said.

Little Rock MUFON member and UFO documentary filmmaker Walt Peterson added  that he sees the Congressional UFO hearing of July 26 as the entrance to a new era. Considering the immensity of the galaxy and outer space beyond, Peterson said, “Now  is the time to put our differences aside and come together as a planet, not out of fear,  but out of awe.“ Arkansas MUFON holds meetings regularly in Fayetteville and Little Rock. For more  information, please contact Little Rock MUFON member and Field Investigator  Maureen Richmond at [email protected], or visit
