Thu July 06, 2023

By April Lovette

Arkansas Municipal League honors JR Wilson at 89th Annual Convention

NORTH LITTLE ROCK (DATE)—The Arkansas Municipal League at its 89th Annual Convention, held June 14-16, honored JR Wilson with the Adrian L. White Municipal Leadership Award. The award is presented to municipal officials who have served with distinction and dedication to their cities and the League’s boards, councils or committees for six years.

The award is named in honor of White, who was mayor of Pocahontas from 1967-1974 and a former League president and vice president.

The League’s 89th Convention was a hybrid event held in person at the Little Rock Marriott and Statehouse Convention Center along with an option for members to attend virtually. It featured a variety of sessions focusing on current events and timely programming covering a variety of topics important to municipalities for an audience of about 1,000 city and town officials and personnel.

The Arkansas Municipal League is a service and advocacy organization for the municipalities of Arkansas. The League offers its programs and services to the 499 cities and towns in Arkansas and was created in 1934 to assist cities with information and representation in the public affairs of our state and nation. To find out more, visit