Fri March 10, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters


Beads, Bags, Bangles the theme of UA-Hope-Texarkana 16th annual Foundation benefit last night

Hempstead Hall Uaht Foundation Beads Bags And Bangles Camp Save A Life Kids039 College Fundraiser
Beads, Bags, Bangles the theme of UA-Hope-Texarkana 16th annual Foundation benefit last night

Allison Moore Wilson and Paul Wilson were attired very much in the late 60s idiom at the Beads, Bags, Bangles UAHT Foundation benefit last night.

Hempstead Hall's Ozan Room was a time-warp into the late 60s Thursday night as many attendees costumed in that era's apparel and wearing its free-flowing hairstyles danced, sampled the food and drinks and put in bids for the silent auction. Some even used the dancing space in front of Tin Man Band from Dallas.

Proceeds go to support the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Foundation, whose mission is "to advance higher education by securing private financial support for all units and activities of the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana."

These units and activities include scholarships and supplies for the 2023 Kids’ College and Camp Save-A-Life programs.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.

  • Photo by Shelly Short.
