Thu July 23, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Applauds Senate Passage of Defense Bill

Senator Boozman Arkansas Politics Politics
Boozman Applauds Senate Passage of Defense Bill

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) supported the Senate-passed Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), legislation that invests in the military, ensures servicemembers have the tools and resources they need to successfully carry-out their missions and strengthens Arkansas’s role in national defense.

“At a time of increasing risks and dangerous challenges to global security, the United States must lead in creating stability through a strong and modernized military. Peace through strength is a proven concept that reinforces American deterrence and produces greater global security. That’s why it’s so important to yet again come together and advance this NDAA,” Boozman said during a floor speech in support of the bill. “I am pleased this bill includes a few of my priorities aimed at supporting our deployed service members and the state of Arkansas.”

Click here to watch Boozman’s speech in support of FY 2021 NDAA

Boozman’s amendment to improve child care assistance for military families who are assigned to around-the-clock, stateside rotations units—like the 188th Wing in Fort Smith—was included in the Senate-passed bill. The provision directs the Department of Defense to research, report and provide recommendations to Congress on how to provide 24-hour child care to military families.

The bill also authorizes a new Arkansas National Guard Readiness Training Center at Fort Chaffee. Boozman secured funding to construct the center which will provide greater support for training exercises and help ensure Arkansas guardsmen continue to be some of the best trained in the country.

The NDAA supports the deployment of the Iron Dome protection system to U.S. Central Command theater. This comes after Boozman called on Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to deploy this protection to safeguard U.S. and coalition members in the region as a result of talking with commanders about vulnerabilities to defense capabilities while visiting Iraq in February. A portion of the Iron Dome defense is produced in Camden, Arkansas.
