Wed January 29, 2020

By Shelly B Short

Boozman Applauds Signing of USMCA

US Senator John Boozman

WASHINGTON–U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) joined President Donald Trump at the White House signing ceremony of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). He released the following statement:

“With his signature, President Trump officially delivered on his campaign promise to modernize our trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. This historic deal brings our trade policies into the 21st century and enables hardworking Arkansas farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and workers to compete in the global economy. I congratulate the president on this accomplishment and look forward to working with him to open more markets to Natural State goods and services,” Boozman said.

Trade with our neighboring countries supports 12 million American jobs including 120,000 in Arkansas. Combined, Mexico and Canada account for one-third of Arkansas’s total exports.
