Tue February 15, 2022

By Bren Yocom


Boozman Calls for Reopening Capitol, Senate Office Buildings

Boozman Senator John Boozman
Boozman Calls for Reopening Capitol, Senate Office Buildings

Watch Boozman’s video

 calling for reopening the U.S. Capitol and Senate Office Buildings

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) says it’s time to welcome Arkansans and all Americans back to the U.S. Capitol and Senate Office Buildings and is calling for the restoration of full public access to them. Boozman helped introduce a resolution supporting the reopening of these cornerstone federal facilities to public visitation under pre-COVID policies.

“It’s past time to open the U.S. Capitol and Senate Office Buildings back up to the American people. They need access to these halls and to the buildings that contain so much of our nation’s history, art and culture. One of the things I enjoy most is watching our democracy and history come alive for Arkansans as they tour the Capitol,” Boozman said.

The U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings have remained largely closed to the public for nearly two years. Despite the effectiveness of Operation Warp Speed and wide access to COVID-19 vaccines and testing, the process to enter the buildings requires an escort and appointment with a Senate office. This policy has restricted Arkansans’ ability to freely move around Capitol Hill and tour the historic buildings.

The resolution led by U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) provides that the Senate: (1) recognizes the importance of reopening the U.S. Capitol and Senate Office Buildings to public participation in the legislative process; and (2) supports returning to the pre-COVID public visitation policies for areas within Senate jurisdiction.

A copy of the resolution can be found here.
