Tue August 10, 2021

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Introduces Amendment to Ensure Rural Americans Continue to Have Access to Affordable, Reliable Energy

Arkansas Politics Politics Senator John Boozman United States Senate Committee On Agriculture Nutrition Forestry Agriculture
Boozman Introduces Amendment to Ensure Rural Americans Continue to Have Access to Affordable, Reliable Energy

 Provision Blocks Democrat Effort to Ban Fossil Fuels, Damage Rural Communities 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, introduced an amendment to the Democrats’ reckless tax and spend bill to block attempts to ban fossil fuels which threaten rural communities’ access to affordable, reliable energy to power their farms, businesses and broadband networks. 

“While we pursue smart, responsible approaches to create new forms of sustainable energy, we must avoid mandates that jeopardize the supply of reliable, affordable energy in rural communities across the country. My amendment reinforces the need to embrace an all-of-the-above approach that encourages the responsible use of our nation’s unmatched energy resources. This is especially true for rural America, as the economic future of our rural communities continue to be endangered by this administration’s proposals,” Boozman said. 

Last year, a number of former Obama-era U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials authored the Climate 21 transition memo to guide the Biden administration’s policy objectives. This memo provided a roadmap for federal agencies to achieve the administration’s goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. The recommendations in this memo included developing plans for retiring fossil fuel-burning power plants. 

Boozman’s amendment would prohibit the USDA from starving our rural electric providers of financing in an attempt to shutter fossil fuel-burning power plants. 

“The Senate agriculture committee is among those given reconciliation instructions by this bill. It is imperative that we prevent Washington from imposing mandates that put the future of rural America at risk. My amendment offers a common sense approach that will ensure the electricity needs of rural America continue to be met now and in the future,” Boozman said. 
