Mon October 02, 2023

By Press Release

Politics State

Boozman Recognized by Veteran Service Organizations for Advocacy

Senator John Boozman Boozman Veterans Health Care Taps
Boozman Recognized by Veteran Service Organizations for Advocacy
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), a leading voice in shaping veterans’ health care and benefits policies, was recently honored for his advocacy by a pair of Veteran Service Organizations.


The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) awarded Boozman its Congressional Leadership Award for his advocacy to strengthen earned support for the families of fallen servicemembers and veterans.


“Senator John Boozman has been a longtime champion for Gold Star Families both in his home state of Arkansas and within the Halls of Congress. As a senior member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Senator Boozman joined Chairman Tester to re-introduce the Caring for Survivors Act of 2023. He continues to urge his Senate colleagues to pass this important legislation that will strengthen and expand DIC benefits for surviving spouses, and provide long overdue parity with other federal programs. We are proud to present Senator Boozman with the 2023 TAPS Congressional Leadership Award,” said Candace Wheeler, TAPS Director of Government and Legislative Affairs.


The Blinded American Veterans Foundation also recognized Boozman for his leadership safeguarding veterans filing benefit claims with its George "Buck" Gillispie Congressional Award, honoring Members of Congress who have made significant contributions toward improving sensory-disabled veterans’ quality of life through public policy.


“Senator Boozman’s bipartisan leadership efforts to safeguard veterans filing benefits with the GUARD VA Benefits Act will ensure that some of the nation’s most vulnerable veterans will have a trusted ally while filing for the benefits they have earned,” said BAV member Brian Donarski, Army (Ret).


“As the son of a WWII veteran who served 23 years in the Air Force, I understand that military service is a family affair. We made a promise to veterans and their families and I’m proud to support policies to fulfill our nation’s commitment to these heroes. I look forward to continuing working with my colleagues and organizations veterans trust to advance legislation that strengthens the benefits servicemembers and their loved ones earned,” Boozman said.


In addition to serving on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Boozman is the lead Republican on the appropriations subcommittee responsible for funding veterans benefits and services. This Congress he is also championing legislation to increase survivor benefits, support a comprehensive approach to address the veteran suicide crisis and strengthen oversight and quality of care at Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. 


