Thu September 10, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Statement on Democrats’ Filibuster of Targeted COVID-19 Relief Package

Senator Boozman Arkansas Politics Politics
Boozman Statement on Democrats’ Filibuster of Targeted COVID-19 Relief Package

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement following Senate Democrats’ filibuster of targeted coronavirus relief legislation that would offer further support to American families, workers, small businesses, schools and front line health care workers:

“Today’s vote is a disappointing development that leaves behind too many Americans in need in the name of partisanship. This targeted relief bill would have offered critical assistance to our communities, families, schools, small businesses and individuals in ways that most Republicans and Democrats actually agree. Instead of delivering a result, our Democratic colleagues chose to block progress on this package while also refusing to negotiate on any realistic solutions that stand a chance of becoming law.

“I’m certain the frustration I feel about this lack of cooperation is shared by Arkansans and others across the country still feeling the coronavirus’ impact and desperately looking for Congress to unite, like we did at the beginning of the pandemic, to provide relief.”
