Wed June 17, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Statement on Introduction of JUSTICE Act

Senator Boozman Politics
Boozman Statement on Introduction of JUSTICE Act

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement on the introduction of the Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act:

“The anger and frustration brought on by the horrific deaths of George Floyd and others at the hands of those charged with protecting the public have pointed a spotlight on the need for reform.

President Trump took the first step by signing an executive order that directs more attention and resources toward best practices in police training, recruiting and community engagement. The introduction of the JUSTICE Act builds on that idea.

I appreciate the exhaustive effort my colleague Tim Scott put into crafting this bill. Senator Scott has personally experienced instances of abuse, but he also emphasizes the important role of law enforcement in our society and rejects the false choice between supporting police officers or supporting communities of color. He is well suited to lead the Senate’s attempt to propose meaningful reforms.

His work has produced a bill that focuses on training and tactics that lead to the de-escalation of force, accountability for instances of officer misconduct and greater public transparency within the criminal justice system.

With the exception of those parroting extreme ‘abolish the police’ talking points, members of both parties, in each chamber, are closer than most realize on these issues. There is a consensus that reforms that promote transparency, accountability and procedures that lead to safer interactions between officers and the community are the key to real reform.

The vast majority of officers are good, honest individuals who provide a valuable service. We can help foster better relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve through proper reform. That is why I am a cosponsor of this legislation.

I am optimistic my colleagues across the aisle will vote to move this bill to the floor for debate. I expect and welcome a thorough and honest discussion during floor consideration. The American people deserve that much.”
