Thu September 17, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Supports Strengthening Protections for Servicemembers and their Families

Senator Boozman Arkansas Politics Politics
Boozman Supports Strengthening Protections for Servicemembers and their Families

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) is pushing for improvements to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). Boozman joined his colleagues to introduce two pieces of legislation to amend the law and better serve the needs of the men and women of the military and their families.

On average, military families move every two to three years. For military spouses, frequent relocations disrupt careers and require them to spend thousands of hours and dollars to continue practicing their vocation, despite already being licensed in another state.

Boozman helped introduce the Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act to require states to recognize the occupational licenses of military spouses who move across state lines as a result of a permanent change of station (PCS) order.

“Military spouses make tremendous sacrifices and we have an obligation to support them and their families. This is a meaningful way to help cut the red tape that exists and make it easier for them to continue to their career after relocating as they support their loved one’s service,” Boozman said.

According to a recent study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes initiative, 67 percent of military spouses had to quit a job because of a move to a different duty station. Additionally, 50 percent of military spouses work in a field that requires licensing. 

Boozman also helped introduced the Modernizing Notice of Lease Terminations for Servicemembers Act to allow servicemembers to deliver notice of termination of residential and car leases electronically, including by email.

“We need to focus on ways to make life easier for the men and women of our nation’s Armed Forces. This update to the SCRA will provide greater flexibility and convenience for servicemembers and their families navigating changes to housing and vehicle leases, protecting them from penalties and ensuring they have the ability to comply with orders to deploy or relocate while serving in uniform,” Boozman said.

The ability to electronically deliver notice of termination of a residential or car lease is especially important for servicemembers who may already be serving in another location by the time they are able to seek termination due to a deployment or a PCS. Electronic means of communication are also critical in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which physical contact should be limited and traditional mail and delivery services may heighten the risk of exposure.
