Fri June 04, 2021

By Shelly B Short

Build a Puppy
This morning kiddos of all ages gathered at the Hempstead County Library to ‘Build a Puppy.’ They were served donuts and juice, then Director, Courtney McNeil read “If You Feed A Dog A Donut” aloud to the crowd.

The children each had their own puppy on tables throughout the room, they got stuffing and happily stuffed their puppies until they were full. Then they got a puppy sized T-shirt which read, 'The Hempstead County Library' for their puppy to wear. Each stuffed pup got a personalized birth certificate that the boys and girls filled out.

Smiles were in abundance as the happy youngsters piled together to take a picture, as cheerful parents and grandparents stood alongside grinning just as big as their kids.
