Tue September 26, 2023

By Press Release

Capitol Art Display Sponsored by Consulate of Peru
Exhibit will be up through November 1st

(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston welcomes visitors to the State Capitol to view a new temporary art display in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.

The exhibit, Mochica Sacred Universe, features art by Roxana Rivero, focusing on the ancestral culture of the Moche civilization in the northern coastal region of Peru, near present-day Trujillo, Peru. The artist uses iconography from the site of the Lady of Cao, which archaeologists discovered in 2006. Also on display will be examples of ceremonial pre-Columbian indigenous pottery.

"We have many tourists and school children come through the State Capitol from all sorts of backgrounds and our exhibit galleries add an important educational component to their visit," said Secretary Thurston. "I am pleased that we can host this exhibit combining art, history and culture for Hispanic Heritage Month." 

The exhibit was coordinated by the Consulate of Peru in Dallas,Texas, which serves north Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
