Wed March 16, 2022

By Jeff Smithpeters


City Director Easter delivers more pop tops to Ronald McDonald House of Arkansas Charities

Hope City Board Reginald Easter Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Of Arkansas Recycling
City Director Easter delivers more pop tops to Ronald McDonald House of Arkansas Charities

Hope City Board of Directors member Reginald Easter has made another delivery this morning, continuing his effort to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas by collecting pop tabs from aluminum cans and presenting them up in Little Rock. Today, he brought 60 pounds.

Money from the melting of these goes to RMHCA for the cost of maintaining its services to children undergoing medical treatment and their families. As the charity’s website explains, “Each pop tab collected is recycled and the funds are used to help families stay close to their children in the hospital. It seems like a small thing, but a lot of the small things added together become a big thing that makes a big impact. One becomes many and many make a difference.”

As described in our October 1, 2021 article, Easter is participating in RMHCA’s yearly Pop Tab Pandemonium. Pop tabs are especially rich in the aluminum sought by manufacturers, so they are considered of more value than the can itself.

When he brings his tabs, Easter visits with the staff and the children at the Little Rock Ronald McDonald house. “I’m always full of smiles, so when I walk in there I’m always clowning. I don’t know what it does, but it usually cheers the child up,” he said.

Those wishing to contribute soda can tabs (not soup, pet food or tuna can tabs, which tend to be made of steel) can contact Director Easter or Erica Carlock, RMHCA’s Volunteer Coordinator, for more information.

Easter brings containers of pop tops and groceries to the Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock this morning.

Easter poses with pop tops and candy next to the Ronald McDonald statue at the Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock
