Tue January 05, 2021

By Bren Yocom


City of Hope Accepting Sealed Bids for Hay Lease

City Of Hope City Of Hope Sealed Bids
City of Hope Accepting Sealed Bids for Hay Lease
The City of Hope will be accepting sealed bids for:

Hay Lease east of Highway 278 at the airport, comprised of approximately 67 acres of land.

Bids will be accepted in the City Manager’s Office, City Hall, Hope, Arkansas, until 2:00 p.m. Thursday January 28, 2021.

A complete list of specifications and bid forms are available upon request to responsible bidders from the City Manager’s Office, 206 W. Avenue A, City Hall, Hope, Arkansas.

The City of Hope reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For more information contact:
Summer Powell
City of Hope
