Mon October 17, 2022

By April Lovette

Civitans hear Economic Development proposal for quarter-cent sales tax

Press Release:

Hempstead County Economic Development Corporation board member Mark Ross and Dillan Kelsey (left) presented a video on the proposal for a quarter-cent sales tax for economic development in Hempstead County.  Pictured with Civitan President Mona Still, the two showed the video at Civitan's October 11th meeting.  The tax proposal will appear on the ballot in the November 8 general election.  Ross said the monies to be raised through passage of the proposed sales tax will be used by HCEDC to attract new businesses through infrastructure improvements and incentives to locate in Hempstead County.  He said it is estimated that approximately $800,000 per year could be generated and used to enhance the county's competitiveness in attracting new business and industry, thus creating job growth.
