Thu September 30, 2021

By April Lovette


Coming Home: Wyatt Putman Returns from Nashville to Headline First Concert and Shoot Music Video

Raeli Putman Wyatt Ptuman Crossties Texarkana Wyatt At Crosstoes Angie Putman
Coming Home: Wyatt Putman Returns from Nashville to Headline First Concert and Shoot Music Video

Hometown boy, Wyatt Putman, returns to the area this week to a full schedule as he prepares to headline his first concert with ticket sales Friday night at Crossties in Texarkana. Other events include radio show appearances with ticket giveaways, as well as the filming of a brand new music video. This will also be Wyatt’s first show back home since he moved to Nashville four years ago to follow his longtime dream of becoming a country music artist. He is preparing to go all out and give fans quite a show as a token of his appreciation and gratitude for the love and support given during his journey into country music, a journey that began right here in Southwest Arkansas. 

Born and raised in Spring Hill, Wyatt participated in all things country like fishing, hunting, and rodeo, with a huge emphasis deriving from God and patriotism, while also playing basketball and football for the Spring Hill Bears. Family and friends have described him as enthusiastic and energetic about every activity in which he performed, especially singing and playing music. Mom Angie Putman said she always knew Wyatt would pursue a career in music. “Wyatt always had a guitar in his hand and he was always singing,” Angie said. “He began creating his own lyrics at an early age and would sing them for the family. It was obvious early on that Wyatt was a born entertainer.” Angie further elaborated by saying Wyatt’s energy and spirit were uplifting for those around him, providing a positive impact on family, friends, and neighbors. His youngest sister, Raeli Putman, agreed by sharing memories of Wyatt’s contagious enthusiasm and love of performing. “Everyone at school knew Wyatt and liked him,” Raeli said. “When my friends would come over to our house, he would sing and play for us. He’s always enjoyed making people happy with his music”

Talent and personality are just a portion of the ingredients needed to become a success in country music though, and Wyatt’s family said he’s always had the drive and ambition to take it all the way to Nashville. He was 18 when he performed for the first time on a big stage at the Watermelon Idol competition in Hope. Wyatt said that experience is what really pushed his journey from a dream to an actual goal. “When I stepped on stage that night, it was a full crowd packed shoulder to shoulder,” he said. “All those people were listening to me sing, and when I strummed that last chord on the guitar and stopped singing, I got a big reaction from the crowd. That is when it really struck me that performing was something I wanted to do every night.” He says a similar experience not long after the Watermelon Idol cemented that decision. “I played one of my own songs for the first time when I opened for John Conley at an event planned by a family friend in Spring Hill,” Wyatt said. “Standing on that stage while hearing the crowd scream and yell for one of my songs, nothing beat that. I played football, basketball, plus I used to ride bulls in the rodeo, and nothing matched the excitement and adrenaline of that experience.”

Soon after, Wyatt began recording his songs, playing at more venues, and making preparations to pursue a career in music. Then, it was time for the boldest, bravest step of all. The move to Nashville. “It was a leap of faith,” said Wyatt. “I knew if I was going to make this work I needed to be in Nashville. So I went.” That move has certainly paid off. Since then Wyatt has continued to release new music and play bigger venues while opening for popular artists such as Frank Foster, Diamond Rio, Lee Bryce and more. Now, Wyatt will step it up a notch and take the next big step with his folks back home. He's going to have his first headliner with ticket sales right here in Southwest Arkansas. When asked why he decided to have this event here, Wyatt was quick to reply, “These are the roots that grew me.” He elaborated by saying, “I booked the show here because I want to celebrate this milestone with my people. These folks from Spring Hill, Hope, and surrounding areas were there when I began this journey, and they have loved and supported me every step of the way.”

So for those fans who watched Wyatt sing in the Watermelon Idol, listened to his first performance of his very own song in Spring Hill, or over the years have just happened to be around while he strummed his guitar and hummed a tune, Wyatt says this show is for you. He will perform at Crossties in Texarkana, Arkansas Friday night at 8:30 in the outside venue. Tickets can be bought at the door or online HERE. While here, Wyatt will also be shooting a brand new music video and he invites everyone to come to the show and take part. He will also have two radio show appearances with ticket giveaways; fans can listen Thursday at 10:30am on 101.7 and Friday at 5pm on 102.5. To find more info about Wyatt and his events, go to his Facebook page.

  • “Wyatt always had a guitar in his hand and he was always singing.” - Angie Putman

  • "It was obvious early on that he was a born entertainer." - Angie Putman

  • Wyatt opening for John Conley in Spring Hill

  • Watermelon Festival 2019

  • Oaklawn Opry in Texarkana

  • Wyatt performing in Nashville
