Fri July 14, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Congressman Westerman's column: The NDAA supports Arkansas

by Congressman Bruce Westerman

This week, the House voted on the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to continue supporting our military and defense capabilities in Fiscal Year 2024. Since 1961, Congress has worked together to pass the NDAA and maintain the U.S. as a global leader in military readiness.

This year’s NDAA delivered on many Republican priorities while saving taxpayer dollars and empowering a robust national defense by ensuring service men and women have the resources they need to protect our nation.

Our military has no room for advancing partisan ideology. I was proud to vote for this NDAA that cuts back on the radical woke agenda being pushed on servicemembers and military families. This NDAA will redirect the focus of our military back where it belongs – on protecting our nation.

The NDAA authorizes $886.3 billion for national defense discretionary programs, a $28 billion increase from the Fiscal Year 2023 enacted levels – all while remaining within the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s Fiscal Year 2024 defense discretionary spending level. The NDAA cuts inefficient programs and will save taxpayers $40 billion, or 5% of current defense spending levels.

This year’s NDAA funnels critical investments to the Fourth District and the state of Arkansas. It will authorize procurements for CH-53 and CH-47 helicopters whose parts are made in Magnolia, and it bolsters USAF LGM-35A Sentinel Weapons modernization program, additional F-35s, and the GMLRS system, which are all produced in Camden. Through investments in missile systems, aircraft, and explosive ordinances with manufacturing and assembly in the Fourth District, thousands of jobs will continue to be supported here at home.

While it took a lot to get here, it’s a win for democracy and an example of bipartisanship at work. This NDAA will ensure we remain a global defense leader and support those in the Natural State who work in national defense industries. For that, I’m proud to have voted in favor.
