Thu June 15, 2023

By Shelly B Short


Cotton: Biden’s Billions to Iran “Abject Appeasement”

Arkansas Politics Politics Senator Tom Cotton
Cotton: Biden’s Billions to Iran “Abject Appeasement”


Contact: James Arnold or Caroline Tabler

June 15, 2023

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement after reports that the Biden administration’s approved releasing $2.7 billion payments to Iran—payments previously denied by U.S. sanctions:

“President Biden’s developing agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran is nothing short of abject appeasement. He’s giving away irreversible concessions in exchange for easily reversible promises. The ayatollahs will use Biden’s billions to inch closer to the bomb, fortify their bunkers, and strengthen their military. Appeasement has never and will never work—the president is making a terrible mistake.”
