Wed February 15, 2023

By Bren Yocom


Cotton Calls on President Biden to Address Americans and Provide Answers on Objects Violating U.S. Airspace

Tom Cotton Senator Tom Cotton Us Senator Tom Cotton
Cotton Calls on President Biden to Address Americans and Provide Answers on Objects Violating U.S. Airspace
In case you missed it –  Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) joined Larry Kudlow to discuss the Biden administration’s classified briefing to senators on the flying objects that have violated U.S. airspace. Senator Cotton again called on President Biden to address the American people and provide answers on the flying objects.



to view Senator Cotton's interview

The interview may be found here. An excerpt of the interview is below.

“We had our second classified, all senators briefing this morning, we had another one last Thursday. I have to say, unfortunately, we learned nothing in these briefings that I didn’t already know as a member of the Intelligence or Armed Services Committee, or frankly, what your viewers can learn by watching your show or other programs or reading a newspaper. That’s why I think it’s so important that Joe Biden, personally and directly, address the American people.”

“The failure to shoot down that first balloon was humiliating to President Biden and therefore dangerous for Americans, and I can tell you there, Larry, there’s nothing more than meets the eye: China sent a spy balloon to fly across America. And President Biden and his administration had eyes on it over the Aleutians where they could have shot it down. They chose not to. And therefore, the Chinese spy balloon flew all across America.”

“This is just another in a long series of events since President Biden took office in which he has taken ambivalent, timid, weak, or appeasing polices that’s only encouraged more provocations, more aggression, whether it’s from the Chinese communists in East Asia or Russia in Ukraine or Iran in the Middle East. It’s time that we start reestablishing our deterrence against these adversaries, making it clear there’s consequences for provoking America.”
