Fri October 06, 2023

By Rachel Pendergraft

Politics State

Cotton Demands Answers About Possible Biden Deals with Maduro Regime

Senator Tom Cotton Maduro Regime
  Cotton Demands Answers About Possible Biden Deals with Maduro Regime
Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting information about his decision to deport an unknown number of illegal aliens to Venezuela. The letter notes that the Biden administration’s policies encouraged the Venezuelans to attempt to enter the United States in the first place. 


Additionally, Senator Cotton asked for any information about a deal President Biden may have made with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in exchange for accepting the Venezuelans back.

 In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

 “Migrants are rushing to the United States because you invited them, both by refusing to enforce the law and by literal invitation through your abuse of immigration “parole,” and a few repatriation flights will do little to repair the damage, especially while you continue allowing illegal aliens to flood into the country. Further, there is little reason to believe Venezuela agreed to your repatriation flights without getting something in return.”

 Text of the letter may be found here and below.

 October 6, 2023

 President Joseph R. Biden

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.

Washington, DC 20500

 Dear President Biden:

 I write regarding reports that your administration has reached an agreement with Venezuela’s government to deport back to Venezuela select numbers of illegal aliens at our southern border.

 Migrants are rushing to the United States because you invited them, both by refusing to enforce the law and by literal invitation through your abuse of immigration “parole,” and a few repatriation flights will do little to repair the damage, especially while you continue allowing illegal aliens to flood into the country. Further, there is little reason to believe Venezuela agreed to your repatriation flights without getting something in return.

 Please answer the following questions as soon as practicable, and make senior administration officials available to brief Congress no later than Friday, October 13:

  1. What are the terms of your repatriation agreement with Venezuela?
  2. What side deals or other agreements involving Venezuela have you made in the past 90 days?
  3. How many Venezuelans enter the United States illegally every month, both across our southern border and through your administration’s “parole” program? How many illegal aliens will be deported to Venezuela each month under your plan?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.



Tom Cotton

United States Senator
