Tue April 25, 2023

By April Lovette


Cotton to Biden: Stop Playing Politics on Debt Limit

Tom Cotton Cotton Letter To Biden
Cotton to Biden: Stop Playing Politics on Debt Limit

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) sent a letter to President Joe Biden today urging him to stop playing politics on debt limit negotiations, meet with Speaker McCarthy, and negotiate a package to reign in federal spending while raising the debt limit. 

Full text of the letter may be found here and below.

April 25, 2023

President Joseph R. Biden

Dear President Biden,

The United States is quickly approaching its limit on national debt, and analysts expect that we could be just weeks away from a catastrophic national default. 

The solution is simple: Work with Speaker McCarthy on a legislative package that will start getting our spending under control, while raising the debt limit to give the country breathing room to implement those reforms. Yet you have repeatedly declined to meet with Speaker McCarthy.

I’m writing to urge you to stop playing politics, show some leadership, and meet with Speaker McCarthy without further delay. 

Your staff and advisors were wrong to direct you to refuse to negotiate. The stakes are too high. 

Mr. President, do the right thing. Put the nation you serve over your party’s political interests. The American people deserve it. 


Tom Cotton

United States Senator
