DAR Awards Given at PHS

A ceremony was held this morning in the board room at Prescott High School to honor gifted and talented students that won awards for their DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution essays. Three students were recognized as local first place winners, Yebeth Zaacarias, 7th grade, Gage Smith, 6th grade, and Arden Gonzalos, 5th grade. This year's title for the essay was 'The Tomb of the Unknown Solider.'

Last year, Prescott produced a DAR state winner and this year, Arden Gonzalos will be honored in Little Rock for winning the DAR state essay contest.

Gifted and Talented teacher, Traci Rucker said, "It's a good thing for our community that these students get to participate and show what they know about the United States of America and their patriotism."

Students were handed their awards and group photos were taken with proud parents, grandparents and teachers. Then all who attended spent some time visiting and enjoying refreshments.
