Tue August 22, 2023

By Press Release

DAR celebration on exhibit at State Capitol until November 30
(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston would like to invite the public to come view the latest exhibit at the State Capitol: Arkansas DAR Celebrates 130 Years of Service to God, Home and Country, 1893-2023.

The Arkansas State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) began in 1893, three years after the National Society DAR. The organization currently has 40 chapters across the state. Its mission is to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism.

The exhibit, featuring items sent in from members across the state, highlights the organization's history and its many activities and projects throughout Arkansas over the years. Secretary of State John Thurston said, "I applaud the ladies of Arkansas DAR and their commitment to promoting and preserving our shared history. Congratulations on 130 years of service!"

To become a member, a woman must be 18 years or older and must prove lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolution. For more information about the Arkansas State Society DAR, visit http://www.arkansas-dar.org.

The exhibit will be on display in the State Capitol's first floor galleries until November 10th. 
