Tue August 22, 2023

By Lance Hawley

Sports Razorbacks

David Johnson & the 24th Annual Watermelon Feast for the Razorback Football Team

Wps!! Arkansas Football Team 24Th Annual Watermelon Feast
David Johnson & the 24th Annual Watermelon Feast for the Razorback Football Team
Fayetteville- David Johnson of Hope and former Razorback player has been hauling Hope Watermelons to Fayetteville for 24 years for the Watermelon Feast for the Razorback Football Team. Coach Sam Pittman was thrilled to see David Johnson Saturday for the 24th annual event after a very hot closed scrimmage, and I am pretty certain he is looking forward to the 25th one next season. All the players were very thankful of Mr. Johnson and all he did for them this past weekend. Some of the players knew the secret on how to eat the Hope Melons, a little special salt does the trick. Members of Hope, AR traveled up to Fayetteville as well to assist David in distributing the melons. It is a very special event Johnson puts on and a big thank you to all that helped out as well. GO HOGS AND WPS!!