Fri January 31, 2020

By Bren Yocom


From Gridiron to Gradebook: The Legacy of Coach Tommy Poole

Prescott High School Prescott Curley Wolves Football
From Gridiron to Gradebook: The Legacy of Coach Tommy Poole
by Austin Stokes

Coach Tommy Poole

It should go without saying that the staple of every small town is the Friday Night Lights; and Prescott, Arkansas is no exception to this. The Curley Wolves have obtained a legacy of greatness in the past decade, this is thanks to Coach Tommy Poole. 

This past football season, the Curley Wolves finished 11-3 making it to the state semifinals where they fell to an impressive Harding Academy team. This was Coach Poole’s final game as head football coach. During his tenure as a head coach, Poole has a 117-28 record over the span of two different programs. When asked about his success, he says that he has formed his teams into much more than just football players. He has crafted them into student athletes, as well as productive young men. He has found a way to take the game of football far beyond the endzones and into the homes of the men whose lives he has an impact on. As well as a coach, he has taken on the role of a mentor, he has become a father for many of his players. In an interview I was recently privileged to conduct with the Coach. He remarked,  “If I can make great people, then I can make great football players.” This has certainly proven to be true, as in 2016, Poole lead the wolves to an undefeated, championship run.

Going forward, offensive coordinator Brian Glass is set to take on the position of head coach for the 2020 football season. When asked about the transition, Poole says that it will be a very smooth one. "I trust that our players could still get the job done without a coach even being at practice.” He still plans on being very involved with the football team, as he still holds the position of not only the principal, but also as Athletic Director. Poole assured that this season will still continue to see the same Curly Wolf football team that we have become accustomed to.

The legacy left by Coach Poole is not one to be glanced over. When asked about his opinion on this he accredited all of his success to his players. This goes to show the true character of Poole. The city of Prescott is forever grateful for the selfless contribution made by Poole and is ecstatic for the coming season under the direction of Coach Glass.
