Fri October 21, 2022

By April Lovette


Governor Hutchinson Announces Historic Increase To Computer Science Enrollment for Fall Semester

Governor Asa Hutchinson Computer Science Enrollment
Governor Hutchinson Announces Historic Increase To Computer Science Enrollment for Fall Semester

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson today has announced an update to the Computer Science enrollment numbers. In 2015, when the governor started the computer science initiative there were fewer than 50 computer science teachers across the state and approximately 500 students taking a computer science course.As of October of the Fall semester, there are more than 800 certified computer science teachers across the state with 23,544 students enrolled in at least one type of CS course. This time last year 12,547 students were taking computer science in Arkansas schools.

"It is exciting to see the historic increase in students getting exposure to computer skills that will be beneficial for the future economy," Governor Hutchinson said, "Arkansas continues to be ahead of the curve by offering computer coding in our classrooms and giving teachers the resources they need to teach the future workforce"
