Fri January 07, 2022

By April Lovette

Governor Hutchinson's Weekly Address:  Arkansas W.I.N.S

Governor Hutchinson's Weekly Address

Arkansas W.I.N.S.

Governor Hutchinson's weekly radio address can be found in MP3 format and downloaded HERE.

LITTLE ROCK – Today I’d like to talk about how Arkansas has grown stronger over the last year and my plan for continuing that growth into the future. Thanks to the people of Arkansas, we have made this state one of the premier locations for business owners to put their roots down and conduct business that gives well-paying jobs to hard-working Arkansans and puts more money into our state.

Last December, we ensured that the state can meet its obligations while being able to lessen the impact of the state’s income tax burden by passing the largest tax cut in the history of Arkansas.

Arkansas has a duty to provide solutions to the needs of its people and we are able to do that and more while also lowering their burden.

Every decision I have made has been driven by my desire to improve the quality of life in Arkansas. Whether the issue is creating a trained workforce, investing in our infrastructure, or strengthening Arkansas families, the underlying question always has been – and always will be: “Will this make our state a better place in which to live and work?

”W.I.N.S. is my newest initiative that aims to push Arkansas even closer to being the best place the state can be.

Each letter in W.I.N.S. stands for a pillar that I will focus on to boost Arkansas to success. Workforce Training, Infrastructure, New Economy Jobs, and Strengthening Arkansas Families should be the priorities that can help Arkansas WIN.The future success of our state demands that we make it as easy as possible for skilled workers in need of jobs and businesses in need of those workers to find each other and create success together.

With initiatives like the ‘Ready for Life’ program, it will make it easier for employees and employers to find each other, and it will offer business leaders a quick snapshot of the employee pool in Arkansas as they recruit talent.

Our infrastructure is the backbone of everyday operations in this state, and it is worth investing in to create a better quality of living. Last year, I created the Infrastructure Planning Advisory committee that will analyze the relief available to Arkansas under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act of 2021.They will identify the priorities of Arkansas and make recommendations for the most efficient and effective applications of the relief.

The future is coming, and the world will be in need of workers to join the new, high-growth industries that are on the cutting edge of technology. These new industries are going to be the driving force of economic growth and productivity in our state and around the world. My push for computer science education was just one way that will help bolster Arkansas’s status in a new age economy.

Lastly, but certainly the most important, strengthening Arkansas families. Our focus will be to give families the best chance of success and to protect our children from child abuse and crime. We must engage families by supporting them with the proper connections and safety net.

The Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver is a good example. It allows us to provide services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The waiting list for this waiver is of great concern to us, and we have a commitment and a plan to address it. That list represents thousands of Arkansas families, and we aim to give them hope for the future.

Arkansas is in a prime position to continue winning thanks to developments we have made so far and for what is to come.
