Tue January 07, 2020

By Shelly B Short


HAPS Application Period Opens

Hope Public Schools Haps
HAPS Application Period Opens
Ken MClemore

HOPE – Students and parents in the Hope Public School District interested in application for enrollment in the Hope Academy of Public Service (HAPS) should obtain and complete an application prior to Feb. 7.

HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke said the application window opened Jan. 6 and will close Feb. 7 at 3 p.m.

The application in English and Spanish is available in the “Documents” section under “Forms” on the HAPS website and is available in pdf format for downloading at www.hpsdistrict.org/o/academy-of-public-serviceonline.

Dr. Duke said applications are also available in the front office at the HAPS campus, 601 W. Sixth St., during regular school hours.

Entrance assessments will be scheduled either Feb. 8 or Feb. 22. Students must complete the assessment on the HAPS campus during their assigned appointment on either of those dates, Duke said.

“Parents and guardians will be notified of placement status by March 31,” she said.

Highest-ranking students will be offered enrollment, and a sample rubric is attached to the application packet.

“As additional openings develop during the summer, we will continue to enroll in rank order,” Duke said. “No new students will be admitted after the first 10 days of the school year. Students who enroll in the district after the application period will be allowed to make application to HAPS.”

Students must provide documentation of a record of advanced academic success, excellent attendance, and good conduct and work habits, as well as complete an Academic and Behavior Questionnaire along with prior school records, Duke said.

Questions may be directed to the HAPS office at 870-722-2700, ext. 402, during regular school hours.
