Mon April 10, 2023

By April Lovette


HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke addresses Civitan

Haps Carol Ann Duke Hope Civitan Club Mona Still
HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke addresses Civitan

Dr. Carol Ann Duke, principal of the Hope Academy of Public Service, brought the Hope Civitan Club up to speed on activities and plans for her campus at the club's February 28 meeting.  She described HAPS as a "pre-magnet school," in reference to the large Magnet Schools Assistance grant from the United States Department of Education that will transform the entire district into a magnet district.  She said the addition of digital journalism and an art focus are included in the plans for HAPS.  She also said a "magnet fair" is being scheduled for  the campuses of Beryl Henry, Yerger, and HAPS, in order for families to learn about the changes to come with the transformation to magnet campuses.  Dr. Duke (left) is pictured with Civitan President Mona Still.
