Tue March 02, 2021

By Bren Yocom


HCSD Investigating Theft of Property from Deer Camp

Hempstead County Sheriffs Office
HCSD Investigating Theft of Property from Deer Camp

Hempstead County Deputies were called to investigate a suspicious vehicle near a deer camp on Hempstead County Road 30.

Upon arrival, Deputies found the deer camp building door had been kicked in. Deputies then made contact with the owner of the deer camp to determine what all was missing from the camp. The owner stated the following was missing from the building;

1- Campbell & Hausfeld dual tank air compressor approximately worth $200.00, 1- 1/2 air hose with chuck connected approximately worth $50.00, 1- 1/4 air hose with chuck connected approximately worth $50.00, 2- 18'' Pipe wrenches approximately worth $20.00 each, 1- 10'' pipe wrench approximately worth $20.00, various Crescent brand hand tools including a wrench set approximately worth $200.00, 5- tarps approximately worth $25.00 each, various electrical plugs and fittings approximately worth $20.00, 7- sets of chains for binders ranging from 5ft-12ft approximately worth $25.00 each, 7- chain binders approximately worth $15.00 each, 40ft- 10-4 Romex wire approximately worth $1.25 per ft, 25ft- 12-4 Romex wire approximately worth $1.25 per ft, 10ft- 16-4 Romex wire approximately worth $1.25 per ft, 1- 10" cast iron skillet approximately worth $25.00 and 2- 12" cast iron skillets approximately worth $25.00 each.. All power and hand tools were stolen from inside the camp building, and the cast iron skillets were stolen from the open-ended cook shed.

Deputies have developed information on the Suspicious vehicle seen in the area and are continuing to investigate.
