HCSO announces the passing of K9 Pakal

From the Hempstead County Sheriff's Office:

It is with great sadness that the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office and the 8th North Task Force announce the passing of K-9 Pakal. 

Pakal a four-year-old Belgian Malinois died of a heat stroke today. Pakal was at home with his handler Kyle Malone. Attempts were made to resuscitate Pakal by CPR while en-route to Byreview Vet Clinic and by Dr. Stroderd once Pakal arrived at the Clinic. We are sad to say the attempts were unsuccessful.

Pakal, a dual-purpose K-9 Narcotics Detection, Tracking and Patrol Apprehension K-9, was purchased with Drug Seized funds from the 8th North Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and joined the 8th North Task Force on June 18, 2021. 

A memorial service will be held for Pakal at the Hempstead County Sheriff’s office at a later date.

Please keep Pakal’s handler and his family in your prayers.

James A. Singleton, Sheriff
