Fri November 20, 2020

By Shelly B Short

HCSO Investigating  Shots Fired at Home in Fulton

On November 18, 2020, at approximately 2253 hours Deputies were dispatched to Highway 195 South in reference to a neighbor hearing gun shots.

Deputies made contact with the caller, who advised that he was at his deer camp and heard multiple shots coming from a residence at on Hwy. 195 South. Caller stated that he drove by the residence and observed a white hatch-back car parked under the car port. Caller advised that when he drove back by the residence, he observed 2 black males in the back yard of the residence. Caller advised that the white hatch back left the residence at approximately 9:00 pm headed towards Fulton on Highway 195 South.

Deputies went to the residence and made contact with a female resident. Deputies advised the female of the reason they were there. The female advised deputies she had just arrived home and didn't know anyone had shot at the residence. Deputies searched the carport where and observed 5 bullet holes in the back wall of the carport. Deputies searched the area for shell casings and found 1 empty box of Winchester Silver Tip 9 mm shells, 19 spent 9 mm shell casings, and 2 live 9 mm rounds. Deputies also observed a bullet hole in one of the 4x4 wooden posts in between the residence and the carport, and a bullet hole in the wall of the residence closest to the carport.

According to the female resident didn't know why anyone would shoot at her house. The matter is under investigation by HCSO Investigators.
