Hempstead and Howard County Farm Families of the Year receive legislative proclamations from Rep. Danny Watson

State Representative Danny Watson presented framed legislative proclamations to the Hempstead County and Howard County 2023 Farm Families of the Year at our office yesterday. Front row: Avery Myers, Claire Myers. Back row: Rep. Danny Watson, Sarah Myers, Mark Myers, Judy Anderson, Mark Anderson. All photos by Dillan Kelsey.

At the SWARK.Today office, Arkansas State Representative Danny Watson met the Farm Families of the Year from Hempstead and Howard Counties--both counties are in his district--and gave them framed versions of the legislative proclamations in their honor.

The 2023 Hempstead County Farm Family of the Year, headed by Mark and Judy Anderson, and the 2023 Howard County Farm Family of the Year, Mark and Sarah Myers came to the office with children Claire and Avery Monday afternoon a little before 2:00 p.m. to greet the arrival of State Representative Danny Watson whose district includes both counties. He came bearing framed copies for each of the families to hang on their walls to remember their achievements. Jacob Jones, of Farmers Bank & Trust, where Sarah Myers works as an Agricultural Loan Officer, also arrived to congratulate the families.

  • Rep. Watson with Judy Anderson and Mark Anderson.

  • Rep. Watson with (clockwise from top middle) Sarah Myers, Mark Myers, Claire Myers and Avery Myers.

  • Farmers Bank & Trust's Jacob Jones, left, with (clockwise from top middle) Sarah Myers, Mark Myers, Claire Myers and Avery Myers
