Fri January 17, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey


Hempstead County Firefighters Association Annual Meeting

Hempstead County Firefighters Association Annual Meeting
The Hempstead County Firefighters Association held one of their two annual meetings this week to examine important recent matters for the area. From finances to topics of communication and regulation changes, many things were brought to discussion during the meeting.

Pro-Cut Lawn Equipment & Services owned by Jeremy and Amber Stroud, volunteered to host this meeting in their store to show support for the communities First Responders hoping to promote them and all that they do.

Association President, Jerome Underwood and Vice President, Steve Smith welcomed all the first responders to the meeting to enjoy some fresh cooked barbecue and dessert before they began. The food was prepared by Amber Stroud and other individuals and served with smoked brisket, cooked fresh by Larry Moses. President Underwood called the meeting to order and began the discussion after everyone enjoyed the food.

AT&T Associates, Ellis Axson, Jacoby Allen and Jeremy Holley presented a program at the event to introduce the First Net plan from AT&T. First Net is a plan specifically designed for First Responders offering better signal using more powerful equipment to insure service in areas where most people go without, at a more affordable monthly rate. This plan was put in action after the events of 9/11 to better the safety and communication for emergency situations. Further discussion was had about this cellular plan and many of the fire fighters seemed interested in seeing what First Net is all about.

Concluding the meeting, elections held place before adjournment. The association members agreed to keep the office positions the same for another great year. The meeting was adjourned by President Underwood after thanking everyone for the hard work in the community and for the building and food that was offered to the association for their annual meeting.

  • Amber & Jeremy Stroud
