Tue September 03, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Hempstead County GOP opens headquarters on South Main
On 103 South Main Street Tuesday morning in Hope the Republican Party of Hempstead County opened its headquarters. With walls adorned in pro-Donald Trump and pro-GOP materials, the location right next to Tailgaters was full of local officials and well wishers dressed in traditional Republican red. 

Before ribbon was cut, county committee chair Steve Atchley, who also holds a position on the Hempstead County Quorum Court, said the headquarters will be open every weekday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 

“We'll have people here to answer questions,” Atchley said. “We have some merchandise already in if you'd like to purchase it.  We're just so enthused to really be able to open this headquarters and to really get it back on. We've had it here before, and it's been a very good success for us, and we certainly appreciate all of you coming.” 

Mayor Don Still spoke next. “I always appreciate private citizens getting involved in politics,” he said.  “That's the most important thing, grassroots. And I just appreciate every one of you for taking your time to come down and participate. I hope we have a good election.” 

A long red table was laden with fruit snacks, cookies and a cake made for the occasion. 
