Library Director Courtney McNiel said the library is trying out Spring Break activities for the first time in her tenure to see if there is enough attendance to continue organizing them in the future. The first is bingo for those aged 5 through 12 Tuesday March 25th and Thursday March 27th. The game starts at 10:00 a.m. both days.
“I got the little ball thing that dumps out the bingo ball and all that stuff. I ordered some prizes, some books for the kids to take home, some candy for them to choose from, and I did a trick on them. I picked some books that are the first in a series so that they'll have to come back and check out the second one,” McNiel told the Hope Lions Club last week in her appearance during their Monday noon hour meeting.
On Wednesday, McNiel said, children will be able to test out their artistic talents on the library grounds: “We're going to do something called chalk the walk. Basically, I bought a big box. I think it has 40 or 50 pieces of chalk in there, maybe even more, and we're going to sit outside and we're going to hand out chalk, and we're going to let the kids draw over all of the sidewalks, and if there are any parking spaces, we'll mark those off with cones and let them have at it.”
Summer activities will occur in the month of July so as not to compete with Kids College at UAHT. Dates of these aren’t known yet but watch SWARK.Today for those announcements. “We've got a lot of returning acts,” McNiel said. “The Circus Man is coming back. We had him last year for the first time, and he's literally a one man circus act.” She also said the Bubble Man and the Balloon Man will likely return and the summer activities will probably end with a visit from Magician Mr. Dick followed by a foam party.