Hempstead County Quorum Court approves interim hiring by Sheriff, hears reports

The Hempstead County Quorum Court met for its January regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. yesterday in the county Courthouse. It voted to approve an ordinance to allow Sheriff James Singleton to fill vacancies on an interim basis and received reports on a variety of matters, from hot checks to repair work in buildings. The description of the meeting comes from preliminary minutes compiled by County Clerk Karen Smith.

The meeting began with an invocation by Justice of the Peace Jessie Henry, a pledge of allegiance to the flag led by Justice Troy Lerew and then a unanimous approval of the minutes from the December 22 meeting.

There being no old business, the court heard the report on hot checks written in the county. The report was approved by unanimous vote.

The court then heard the presentation and reading of Resolution 2023-1, which allows Sheriff Singleton to hire interim replacements for staff members. It passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Justice Steve Atchley reported to the court on extension office repairs. He said a broken window had been replaced and that the office is changing to LED lighting. The Farm Bureau will pay for a replacement hot water heater.

County Judge Jerry Crane reported on repairs underway at the County Health Department. He also said the sprinkler system in the Hempstead County Courthouse is being fixed as well as some upgrades being made to the courtrooms. The road in front of the Spring Hill schools will be repaved soon.

Prosecutor Ben Hale reported on issues with phone service and communications with Telogix, the service provider.

Adjournment occurred at 6:00 p.m.
