Thu May 26, 2022

By April Lovette

Hempstead County Quorum Court: May 2022

The Hempstead County Quorum Court meeting for May 2022 can be watched in the video above. The following are a few highlights.

Appropriation Ordinance 2022-4 was passed. This ordinance is for adopting the appropriation of the Library ARP Fund budget for Hempstead County for the year 2022. These are funds that the Hempstead County Library has already received, but must be appropriated as the budget before it can be spent. 

Appropriation Ordinance 2022-5 was tabled until next month. This appropriation was introduced as a one-time bonus for the full-time and part-time deputy county treasurer, who performed the duties of treasurer during said treasurer’s leave of absence, when she was in the hospital because of COVID19 and other reasons, but received deputy treasurer pay. Hempstead County Treasurer Judy Flowers shared details about why she felt this bonus was deserved, in addition to sharing that this money will come from the treasurer’s budget. After a brief discussion, court members asked that this be tabled until next month when the ordinance’s sponsor would be present, after finance had a chance to review, and after FICA and APERS were figured into the amount. 

Hempstead County Clerk Karen Smith shared with the Quorum Court that she announced the bids for proposals to scan the remainder of the clerk’s office books and received no response so she brought the name of a company who can complete this task. The transfer of this data to an electronic source will also allow the public to look at records from home. Court members approved a motion to proceed and recommended she prepare an ordinance for consideration for the next meeting. 
