Mon March 21, 2022

By April Lovette

Henderson State to host summer teen art workshop

March 21, 2022

Henderson State University’s Department of Art will host the Summer Intensive Teen Workshop June 20-24.

The workshop is a week-long, hands-on experience for students ages 13-18. Participants engage in a selection of studio art activities, including collage, assemblage, fiber arts, and mixed media, culminating with an exhibit.

“The program this summer is a day camp workshop experience with the goal of immersing students in a variety of art practices,” said David Warren, professor of art. “Students who are not able to attend in person may inquire about a hybrid/online option.”

A $100 student fee will help cover lunch and some art materials for each student.  For more information and to register, go to The registration deadline is May 6. 

The program is funded by a grant from the Horn Foundation and an Arkansas Arts Council Summer Residency Grant.
