Wed May 29, 2024

By April Lovette

Henry Townsend, 4SYRA All Around Champion, says rodeo is more than a sport
Henry Townsend, recent All Around Champion of the Four States Youth Rodeo Association (4SYRA) Boys 12-14 Division, says rodeo isn’t just a competition, but a way of life. 

At age 14, Henry is already racking up quite the list of accomplishments to add to his resume. To name a few, he earned another champion title for tie down roping in his division at the 4SYRA finals, he is a member of the distinguished Priefert Junior Elite League, and he recently qualified to compete in the Vegas Tuffest Junior World Championship, along with his pal Whitt Barnett, in the team roping category. The pair will travel to Las Vegas in December for the competition. 

When he is asked about all of these triumphant achievements, Henry exhibits a bright, cheery smile and says he is so excited and proud of each one. His joyous dedication to his craft is evident for all to see. But where he becomes even more animated and that smile turns radiant is when describing the rodeo itself, the act of participating in a sport that has been a part of his life as long as he can remember. “It’s a feeling,” Henry says. “There’s the thrill and excitement of being competitive and winning, but it's also about the people you get to know and the feeling that you get to do this every single day.” 

At a very early age, from the first time he got on a horse at age one, Henry knew he wanted to rodeo, and it’s been a part of his life ever since. “He has had a rope in his hand since he could walk,” said his mom, Lindsey Townsend. When asked her thoughts on Henry’s win at 4SYRA, she said. “I was proud of him. As parents, it’s so special for Wade and I to see him be successful at something he has worked so hard for.”

For Henry though, the rodeo isn’t just a portion of his history; it is also an integral part of his future. He says he will continue to compete in 4SYRA and other rodeos and hopes to also earn scholarships for his endeavors. His goal is to make it to the College National Finals. At 14, he might not know yet what his career will be, but he says he’s almost certain it will have something to do with farming and/or horses. And for one who can already display such passion, diligence, and fortitude in honing his skill and talent, we are sure to see some remarkable feats from this young man in the years to come. 
