Mon November 15, 2021

By Drew Gladden


HHS Student Council reps chosen

Hope Student Council
HHS Student Council reps chosen

Hope High School freshmen students present student IDs to vote and mark ballots in recent HHS Student Council elections which were conducted both in-person and online and drew 330 student votes. – Ken McLemore/Hope Public Schools

By Ken McLemore

HOPE – Hope High School students got a hands-on lesson in the political process and the importance of voting in recent student council representative elections on campus.

Newly-elected representatives include:

Freshmen – Jasmine Davis, Shy’Anna Farris, Tyrenda Hale, Cesar Marquez, Lynda Pacheco, Kennedy Phillips, Khalya Randle, Wynter Smith and Angelina Soto.

Sophomores – Katie Arroyo, Bry’Darrius Grissom and Tara Henry.

Juniors – Grayson Cole, Zy’Kell Farris, Emily Garcia and Stephanie Leija.

HHS Student Council Sponsor Sheila Hopson was delighted with the results.

“I am excited to say it was nothing short of amazing,” Hopson said.

She said a total of 330 votes were cast from grades 9-11 in an election that produced the highest voter turnout among freshmen.

“The 9th grade students came and cast their votes and there were 139 votes cast,” Hopson said.

A runoff was conducted for the final three freshmen seats, she said.

The election was novel in its usage of both internet and in-person balloting, with the freshman runoff conducted entirely online.

Hopson said 36 students sought nominations and current student council officers interviewed prospective candidates. Nominated candidates sought election for nine freshmen representative seats, three sophomore seats and four junior seats and candidates campaigned Nov. 1-5.
