High Speed Pursuit Ends in Field, Two Arrested

A Hope resident was arrested Friday after a high-speed pursuit that started in Ashdown and ended in a field west of Red River near Fulton.

Joseph Biddle was taken into custody along with an unidentified female after a prolonged pursuit that reportedly reached speeds well in excess of 100 mph. The pursuit began when Trooper Travis Hale initiated a traffic stop in Ashdown on a blue Honda Civic. The driver of the Civic allegedly refused to comply and fled south into Miller County. As the pursuit reportedly reached high speeds in the middle of the afternoon, other Troopers, Arkansas Game & Fish Officers and Miller County Deputies joined in to assist. The pursuit continued onto Highway 67 East, moving toward Hempstead County. Hempstead County Deputies were contacted and moved to intercept and set up spike strips to disable the car if it made it to the county. During the pursuit, the Civic turned off the road near Miller County Road 54 and continued through several fields. State Police patrol cars were not able to efficiently maintain the pursuit, but Game & Fish Officers continued in the 4x4’s until the driver came to a stop near the woods at the edge of a field at Miller 54 and Miller 104 and reportedly attempted to flee on foot with the female passenger. Officers caught both occupants and detained them. Biddle and the female were turned over to State Police. Both were arrested and transported to the Miller County Jail.

According to Miller County, Biddle was booked on a probation revocation, breaking and entering and a hold for Little River County.
